
LIQL - Aeroporto Lucca Tassignano/Capannori

First Issue: Release Feb. 19th 2013

And here a small, cute airport, the ones I like .... started just today on request of a friend living close to this airport: he is taking picturse to help in building it !

February 16th, 2013
I think the airport is almost ready, and it will available for download in few days ... ok, ok this kind of jobs are never finished, but ... you know :)

LIQL Lucca Tassignano as of Feb 19th, 2013

LIQL Lucca Tassignano as of Feb 16th, 2013

LIQL Lucca Tassignano as of Feb 16th, 2013

LIQL Lucca Tassignano as of Feb 16th, 2013

LIQL Lucca Tassignano as of Feb 16th, 2013

LIQL Lucca Tassignano as of Feb 16th, 2013

LIQL Lucca Tassignano as of Feb 16th, 2013

LIQL Lucca Tassignano as of Feb 16th, 2013

LIQL Lucca Tassignano as of Feb 16th, 2013

LIQL Lucca Tassignano .... or Aeroporto di Capannori ??? (Feb 13th 2013)

LIQL Lucca Tassignano: two more hangars added (2013, Feb 13th)

LIQL Lucca Tassignano: the freshly reconditioned Traffic Office (12 Feb 2013)

LIQL Tassignano: added three hangars (Feb. 9th, 2013)

LIQL Tassignano: added three hangars (Feb. 9th, 2013)

LIQL Lucca Tassignano: aggiunta torre (07/02/2013)

LIQL Lucca Tassignano (or Capannori): the monument to the WW2 fallen in the skies

LILQL Lucca Tassignano: the airport entrance